Sunday, January 19, 2014

Just A Normal Weekend

Well, the weekend was just your typical weekend, did alittle work on the Montana, built a shelf next to the bed. One of my gripes with this model is the lack of shelves next to the bed and no room for a night stand. So I made up a light little unit to hold the clock and my glasses and of course the TV remote. Did alittle cleaning inside and called it done.
   This is the time of year for all the big RV Shows across the nation, new models are rolling out. So I did the next best thing and went down to our local dealer and looked at the new Montana's that have arrived. Pretty nice floor plan with the middle kitchen and 2 doors. All in all nice, but we still like our floor plan. And I would hate to do all the modes on a new one.
    Our daughter, Bridget (who is expecting in May, this is Jack and Bridget's first, Jack has a 5yr old son, Brayden) and Janice worked on baby shower invitations, while I roamed the RV Dealership. There is going to be a party in the next month or so to find out what the new grand baby is going to be, boy or girl, unknown at this time.
    Played a little golf Sunday with George Libby and Drake Mancuso, weather and company was great, score, not so much. Came home and rooted for the Broncos to win the AFC Championship game (My son's team), which they did. On to the SuperBowl. Janice and I took a short bike ride after the game, have to get in shape for retirement.
    Did I mention that our daughter in-law, Katie is expecting in April. This will be John and Katie's second and its another boy, so Colton (their first) is going to be a big brother. Cooper Allen is going to join the Steel ranks.
    Now ya might be thinking, what does grand kids have to do with RVing, well.......... if ya don't have grand kids, nothing, but if you have grand kids, ya know you have travel destinations that you really need to be travelling to. Anybody know where there is good fishing near Norfolk, Virginia, where a guy can catch snapper. Colton has a mission planned and it involves catching snapper. Now I fish, trout mainly, tie my own flies, but I don't have a clue on snapper............... Guess Grand Dad had better study up.
Until next time, be safe and enjoy life.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Modified Front Bike Carrier.................

Well as mentioned in the last post, I mounted the bike rack. It mounted up and carried the bikes just fine............However, I thought it could be made a little better. The more you read this blog, the more you will notice, that I modify everything. Manufactures build it to sell and make a profit, I build it to work and last, so I did a little of cutting and welding. I didn't think the 1" thick wall tubing was up to stress we plan to put on it (lots of miles). I built a 2" receiver insert, out of the same steel, you would use for a trailer. Much stronger and it took all the play and movement out of the rack.

This picture shows the actual mount that was include with the rack. Note receiver insert with white paper label.

These pictures are of the modified rack with the small original on the ground.

One More


As you can see much, much stronger and as I said no wiggle or shake, I think it will work very well.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, Everyone.....................

    Well, 2014 has arrived and we are closer to retirement. This year is the year to start mucking out the place and get it on the market. We are looking forward to moving forward on this endeavor. 
     Today, dawned and the temps quickly rose into the 60's, first time in weeks. So it was out and do some catch up on the truck. Washed and waxed (now the trailer and the truck have a fresh coat of wax). And now that the truck is clean, I figured it would be a good time to test new bike carrier on the front receiver hitch, with both bikes on it. So here ya go.
It works pretty good, but I think alittle modification will be in order to stiffen it up alittle.
But all in all, works as advertised.

Hope everyone has a great 2014, and stay in touch. We shall return.