Monday, September 22, 2014

John and Janice's RV Adventures: Changes to the Blog

John and Janice's RV Adventures: Changes to the Blog: Well, as all of you know, I am pretty new to this blogging thing. As such I am working on trying to learn a few new tricks. In the last coup...

Changes to the Blog

Well, as all of you know, I am pretty new to this blogging thing. As such I am working on trying to learn a few new tricks. In the last couple of days I have added a couple of new tabs under the Home page picture, labeled HOME, MODIFICATIONS AND CHANGES, LIFE ON THE ROAD AND HOW IT CAME TO BE, THE STORY.
HOME: Is normal blog activity

MODIFICATIONS AND CHANGES: are well, modification and changes that we have made to the truck and trailer, This will update periodically.

LIFE ON THE ROAD AND HOW IT CAME TO BE, THE STORY: This is a running narrative of how we decide to go fulltime,  and the continuing saga of our progress and drive toward that goal. This will continue to be updated

Hope these additions have some information that some of you will find useful.