Well, the 2016 date, is now May 15th, 2015. After 17 weeks in the Mountaineer, and some serious consideration, we have decided to retire a year early. We have notified our employers, with four weeks notice and we are set to go.
Our first stop will be Livingston, Texas, to finish setting up our domicile, new address has be done, now for the second time in 4 months, we get to change addresses again. Fun, Fun, Fun. We will be getting our registration and licenses, insurance, etc set up when we arrive in Livingston. Looking forward to getting this chapter of our lives started. We have enjoyed our time at Trailer Village, in Roswell. Meeting a lot of great people and hearing a lot of stories from fulltimers to vacationers. There are a million stories out there and we hope to add some of our own.
We have made some changes to the trailer, just little things, added satellite TV, some new storage ideas, ice maker and a new washer/dryer combo. The last, Janice is mastering more and more.
We will post more frequently when we get on the road, until then, travel safe.